מידע נוסף

מספר עמודים


שם המחבר


Hard Cover

שנת הוצאה

יפה נוף אנגלית



קוראים כותבים

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היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu”

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *


זמינות: אזל המלאי מק"ט: 107881

Rabbi Y. Landyג€™s Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu is not just another commentary. It raises the reader to a new level of understanding by synchronizing Tanach and Chazal with archaeological evidence and modern scientific research. It enters the ancient world, providing a broader picture of the events that led to the destruction of the First Beis HaMikdash. The author also refers to other sifrei Tanach contemporary to Yirmiyahu HaNavi, and thereby paints a broad political picture. Taken into account is not only the situation in the Kingdom of Yehudah, but also the consequences of the kingג€™s decisions, with regard to the neighboring countries.

Printed in full color, this book contains dozens of pictures showing artifacts dating to the days of Yirmiyahu HaNavi, as well as sites that are mentioned in Sefer Yirmiyahu. It also contains recent pictures of historical sites in Iraq, pertaining to the days of the Neviג€™im Yirmiyahu and Yechezkel.

Rabbi Landy is an expert in geography and with the aid of cartographer R. Soffer, he has designed new, updated, colorful maps, enabling the reader to understand the topography of the regions referred to in Sefer Yirmiyahu. Study Sefer Yirmiyahu with this book, and you will be able place the events and messages of Sefer Yirmiyahu into historical and geographical context. This will broaden your understanding of Yirmiyahuג€™s prophecies.

About the Author:

Rav Yehuda Landy is a known talmid chacham, who has thoroughly studied Tanach and Midrashim. His thirst for understanding the ancient reality brought him to explore the relevant archaeological, geographical, and historical material. As a tour guide licensed by the Israel Ministry of Tourism, he is oftenֲ often touring and exploring ancient sites throughout Eretz Yisrael. He also travels worldwide for the purpose of studying related artifacts stored in world museums. He has traveled and toured Jordan numerous times for the sake of researching the land of Reuven and Gad, as well as Edom, Moav, and Ammon.

This series is his attempt to produce in depth high-quality literature on Tanach fit for the Jewish religious public.

Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu is the authorג€™s second book in which he compares archaeological evidence with Tanach and Chazal. His first book, bestselling Purim and the Persian Empire, uncovered the historical and geographical background of Megillas Esther.

משלוח עד פתח הבית
קניה מאובטחת
אפשרות החלפה בכל הסניפים

Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu


אזל המלאי

מידע נוסף

מספר עמודים


שם המחבר


Hard Cover

שנת הוצאה

יפה נוף אנגלית



קוראים כותבים

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היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu”

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *

מידע נוסף

מספר עמודים


שם המחבר


Hard Cover

שנת הוצאה

יפה נוף אנגלית



קוראים כותבים

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היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu”

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *

משלוח עד פתח הבית
קניה מאובטחת
אפשרות החלפה בכל הסניפים


זמינות: אזל המלאי מק"ט: 107881

Rabbi Y. Landyג€™s Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu is not just another commentary. It raises the reader to a new level of understanding by synchronizing Tanach and Chazal with archaeological evidence and modern scientific research. It enters the ancient world, providing a broader picture of the events that led to the destruction of the First Beis HaMikdash. The author also refers to other sifrei Tanach contemporary to Yirmiyahu HaNavi, and thereby paints a broad political picture. Taken into account is not only the situation in the Kingdom of Yehudah, but also the consequences of the kingג€™s decisions, with regard to the neighboring countries.

Printed in full color, this book contains dozens of pictures showing artifacts dating to the days of Yirmiyahu HaNavi, as well as sites that are mentioned in Sefer Yirmiyahu. It also contains recent pictures of historical sites in Iraq, pertaining to the days of the Neviג€™im Yirmiyahu and Yechezkel.

Rabbi Landy is an expert in geography and with the aid of cartographer R. Soffer, he has designed new, updated, colorful maps, enabling the reader to understand the topography of the regions referred to in Sefer Yirmiyahu. Study Sefer Yirmiyahu with this book, and you will be able place the events and messages of Sefer Yirmiyahu into historical and geographical context. This will broaden your understanding of Yirmiyahuג€™s prophecies.

About the Author:

Rav Yehuda Landy is a known talmid chacham, who has thoroughly studied Tanach and Midrashim. His thirst for understanding the ancient reality brought him to explore the relevant archaeological, geographical, and historical material. As a tour guide licensed by the Israel Ministry of Tourism, he is oftenֲ often touring and exploring ancient sites throughout Eretz Yisrael. He also travels worldwide for the purpose of studying related artifacts stored in world museums. He has traveled and toured Jordan numerous times for the sake of researching the land of Reuven and Gad, as well as Edom, Moav, and Ammon.

This series is his attempt to produce in depth high-quality literature on Tanach fit for the Jewish religious public.

Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu is the authorג€™s second book in which he compares archaeological evidence with Tanach and Chazal. His first book, bestselling Purim and the Persian Empire, uncovered the historical and geographical background of Megillas Esther.

מידע נוסף

מספר עמודים


שם המחבר


Hard Cover

שנת הוצאה

יפה נוף אנגלית



קוראים כותבים

There are no reviews yet

היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “Uncovering Sefer Yirmiyahu”

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *